Sentry Completes NABP’s VAWD Triennial Reaccreditation Process in Record Time!
October 31, 2016
Today, Sentry BioPharma Services, Inc. announces completion of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy’s (NABP) Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributor (VAWD) triennial reaccreditation process in record time.
Sentry first earned VAWD accreditation in May of 2007. The initial certification was valid for a three-year term providing a surveillance process is successfully completed each year between triennial reaccreditation. After the initial certification, Sentry successfully completed the triennial reaccreditation process in 2010 and 2013, respectively.
Mr. Randall Higgins, Sentry’s Senior Manager of Validation and Compliance elaborates, “Sentry has been a VAWD-accredited facility for nearly 10 years now. However, this reaccreditation cycle was different. On August 03, 2016, Sentry submitted the first response to the Policy & Procedure review to the NABP. On Monday, October 24, 2016, the company received formal notice from the NABP that our facility was approved.” Mr. Higgins emphasizes, “We completed the reaccreditation process – initial submission to approval – in less than three months (11 weeks)! That timeline is unheard of in this industry.” He continues, “Successful completion of the VAWD triennial reaccreditation process in such a short amount of time is a testament to the team effort and caliber of talent employed by Sentry. Sentry is very proud of the depth of knowledge and experience our leadership team possesses; the dedicated and cooperative employees capable of following strategic direction and standard operating procedures; and the 10 years of maintaining a squeaky-clean compliance record. All of this while delivering a high-quality service offering 24/7/365.”
The NABP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that protects public health by assisting its member boards of pharmacy and offers programs that promote safe pharmacy practices for the benefit of consumers. The state boards of pharmacy play an important role in regulating the drug supply chain. State laws and regulations that the boards develop help protect the public from receiving medications that have been contaminated or counterfeited.
Currently, 24 states recognize VAWD accreditation. Many of these states recognize VAWD as a means of implementing the licensing provisions of new laws, while mitigating the fiscal and operational impact on their board. Of the 24 states that recognize VAWD, Indiana, North Dakota, and Wyoming require VAWD accreditation as a component of licensure.
The VAWD accreditation program was developed for wholesale drug distributors with the primary objective of protecting the public from contaminated, diverted, or counterfeited drugs.
To become VAWD-accredited and display the VAWD seal, facilities must undergo a criteria compliance review, which includes: a rigorous review of their operating policies and procedures; licensure verification; a survey of a facility’s operations; and screening through the NABP clearinghouse.
VAWD accreditation plays a pivotal role in preventing counterfeit drugs from entering the United States (US) drug supply: it helps protect the public from drugs that have been contaminated, diverted, or counterfeited. The US supply of prescription drugs is produced and delivered to patients via a complex drug distribution path, and VAWD accreditation helps ensure that the wholesale distribution facility operates legitimately, is licensed in good standing, and is employing security and best practices for safely distributing prescription drugs from prescription drug manufacturers to pharmacies and other institutions.
For more information about Sentry’s pharmaceutical licensing, registration and international compliance program, contact Sentry via email or by phone at 1-866-757-7400.